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Conversion Experience Optimization Expert


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We are looking for a Conversion Experience Optimization Expert to join our team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for analyzing, reviewing, and implementing changes to websites so they are optimized for search engines. This means maximizing the traffic to a site by improving page rank within search engines. You will be expected to think creatively, strategically, and identify and resolve problems. You will have a strong understanding of SEO principles, and you will also oversee paid search campaigns to ensure their success. We are looking for a candidate who is tech-savvy and intuitive with great ideas to reinforce our marketing campaign.


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  • Reviewing and analyzing client sites for areas that can be improved and optimized
  • Preparing detailed strategy reports
  • Identifying powerful keywords to drive the most valuable traffic
  • Running PPC campaigns
  • Writing powerful calls-to-action to convert visitors
  • Filling websites and other content with effective keywords
  • Analyzing keywords and SEO techniques used by competitors
  • Keeping updated on both white hat and black hat SEO strategies to avoid stay within search engine guidelines
  • Compiling and presenting SEO guidelines
  • Working with editorial and marketing teams to drive SEO in content creation and content programming


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  • Prior experience in content marketing, content growth and SEO
  • Working knowledge of search engine optimization practices
  • Outstanding ability to think creatively, strategically, and identify and resolve problems
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skill
  • Ability to work within a team and independently
  • Familiarization Google analytics
  • Experience with website optimization tools
  • Strong organizational, time management, and analytical skills
  • Understanding of all search engines and functions as well as marketing
  • Knowledge of basic web design and technology principles and their SEO implications

Potential interview questions

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  • What SEO tools do you regularly use?
  • What SEO metrics do you track and report?
  • What is your approach to developing an SEO strategy?
  • Can you describe your experience with mobile SEO?
  • How do you handle changes in Google's algorithm?
  • What is your approach to keyword research?
  • Can you discuss your experience with local SEO?
  • How do you approach link-building strategies?
  • What is your process for conducting an SEO audit?
  • How do you stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and techniques?